The degree program International Wine Business focuses extensively on the production of wine, business management and marketing. In the practice-oriented modules in the areas of corporate management and international markets the students learn to act independently. Excursions, the inclusion of speakers from the industry and internships abroad or in international companies prepare you for management positions in the wine industry.

Knowledge of German language at B2-level is a requirement for this degree program, and details of which proof will be accepted can be found here. For further information about the program, please go to the German pages.

You want to study in English language? Find out more about our English program International Wine Business (B.Sc.) here.

Your Contact for Degree Program and Pre-Study Internship Advice

Jon Hanf
Prof. Dr. habil. Jon Hanf
Building 5800
Room E11
Phone +49 6722 502 393
Jon.Hanf(at) Details
Wilma Mattmüller-Schultz
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wilma Mattmüller-Schultz
Building 5800
Room E13
Phone +49 6722 502 731
Wilma.Mattmueller-Schultz(at) Details
Silvia Diemer-De Schepper
Silvia Diemer-De Schepper
Building 5800
Room E2
Phone +49 6722 502 390
Silvia.Diemer(at) Details
Facts, Deadlines and General Requirements at a Glance
Academic Degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Standard Study Period 6 semesters
Start of course Winter semester
Admission restrictions none
Practical experience requirement for degree program 12-week pre-study internship
Practical component of degree program 12-week internship abroad or in international companies, projects & excursions
Master degree program Wine Business (M.Sc.), Vinifera EuroMaster (M.Sc.), VITIS-VINUM (M.Sc.), Viticulture, Enolog & Wine Business (M.Sc.)
Degree program advice Prof. Dr. Jon Hanf, Dipl.-Ing. Wilma Mattmüller-Schultz
Pre-Study Internship Advice Dipl.-Ing. Wilma Mattmüller-Schultz
Pre-Study Internship Approval Silvia Diemer-De Schepper
Application from May until start of lectures winter semester, applicants with foreign qualifications should apply by September 1 via uni-assist