Women's and Equal Opportunities Representative

Sabine Muth and her team work to represent and promote the interests and concerns of the female staff and students of Hochschule Geisenheim University. In particular, they provide support for women in the areas of careers and education. They are your points of contact for all female- and gender-related issues. In addition they play an active role in promoting family-friendly policies for students and in the work place.

Within the university the women’s and equal opportunities representatives are entitled to attend meetings of the university bodies in an advisory capacity. In this way they support the university in implementing true gender equality. The legal basis for their role is provided by Hessen’s Equal Rights Act (Hessisches Gleichberechtigungsgesetz HGIG).

They also provide support for victims of psychological and sexual harassment.

Mentoring Hessen

Hochschule Geisenheim University cooperates with Mentoring Hessen for women in science and technology, an inter-university facility of Hessen’s universities and universities of applied sciendes. It works to promote female students and female doctoral students in the so-called MINT disciplines (Mathematics, IT, Natural sciences and Technology). Through a combination of mentoring, training and networking, young women are supported during their studies and receive practice-oriented preparation for their entry into the world of work and encouragement for their future career ambitions.

Homepage of Mentoring Hessen

Sabine Muth
Sabine Muth
Building 5911
Room 2.10/2.11
Phone +49 6722 502 262
Sabine.Muth(at)hs-gm.de Details
Anne-Katrin Kleih
Dr. Anne-Katrin Kleih
Building 5924
Room 01.06
Phone +49 6722 502 398
AnneKatrin.Kleih(at)hs-gm.de Details

Please Note

Women who are victims of violence can receive advice and support at all times by calling the 24-hour helpline 08000 116 016. In addition, the organisation "Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen" operates a chat and e-mail counselling service on its website www.hilfetelefon.de .