University Didactics and eLearning


Choice of Licence for Stud.IP uploads

With the start of the new semester, here is a reminder of the four different licence options for uploads to Stud.IP:

  • Your own, unpublished work
  • Open-license work
  • Permission or license obtained
  • Work in accordance with §60a UrhWissG

Upon downloading a document, the user will be notified of the terms of use of the document, depending on which option was chosen, and whether it can be forwarded or not. This satisfies the requirement that work in accordance with §60a UrhWissG may only be passed on to a restricted circle of users (= students of your course).

Further information can be found in the attached flyer (in German), as well as how to apply a password to a class, which is also part of the new legislation based on §60a UrhWissG.

We are happy to help with any further questions: