Admissions Office

Our Services for Students

The Admissions Office provides advice and assistance in all administrative matters, and can answer questions regarding your admission eligibility and your application. The Admissions Office also processes applications for restricted degree programs, and is responsible for enrollment and de-registrations after your graduation.

Semester fees are also processed by the staff of the Admissions Office, as are re-registrations and any changes to students' personal information (e.g. names and address). Requests for leave of absence or part-time study should also be submitted here.

Enrollment Certificates (Immatrikulationsbescheinigungen)

Students who have re-registered for the current semester and new students who have paid their semester fee after enrollment can print out their Semester Enrollment Certificates and BAFöG Certificates (in accordance with §9 BAFöG – Federal Training Assistance Act) via the student management account.

You can find a short guide here.

Student Card and Semester Ticket

Hochschule Geisenheim University offers its students the convenience of a chipcard student ID, with all its associated advantages:

  • Students keep the ID card for the duration of their studies at Hochschule Geisenheim University
  • The student card is valid as a photo-ID, even without an ID card or passport
  • The card functions as a student ID, library card, semester ticket and electronic wallet for the Canteen

Further information can be found here

Re-registration and Semester Fee

The semester fee for the winter semester 2024/25 is 369.87 euros.

The re-registration period for the winter semester 2024 begins on July 15, 2024, and ends on August 16, 2024.

The grace period for payment of the semester fee begins on August 19, 2024, and ends on August 30, 2024.

Please note that an additional late fee of 30 euros will be charged for all payments received on the Geisenheim University account after Aguust 16, 2024.

Please transfer the exact amount of the semester fee stating your enrollment (Immatrikulation) number. Additional fees may apply for transfers from abroad. Please take these into account when carrying out the transfer.

Note for graduates: If you have to complete a performance (i.e. colloquium) in the coming semester, a re-registration is mandatory!

The receipt of payment by the Hochschule Geisenheim University is considered as re-registration for the next semester.

Please note: students can only be re-registered for the next semester if payments for re-registration are received in full and on time. Students also need to ensure that they have submitted all nessessary documents and information to the Admissions office prior to re-registration. Outstanding documents or information can preclude re-registration for the next semester. The Admissions Office must be notified of any changes to personal or study-related information as soon as possible.

Students will receive the information regarding the re-registration process via e-mail to their University student account. The information can also be obtained from the Admissions Office directly.

The composition of the semester fee for the winter semester 2024/25 is as follows:

Student body fee: 33.00 euros
Studierendenwerk contribution: 76.00 euros
Ingelheim – Oestrich-Winkel ferry: 14.16 euros
Bingen-Rüdesheim ferry: 19.81 euros
Deutschlandticket: 176.40 euros
Liability insurance: 0.50 euros
Administration fee: 50 euros

Please transfer the amount to the following account, quoting your Student ID Number (Matrikelnummer):

Rheingauer Volksbank eG
Recipient (Empfänger): Hochschule Geisenheim
IBAN: DE22 5109 1500 0000 6060 90

Semester fees for previous semesters:

WS2024/25   SS2024   WS2023/24   SS2023   WS 2022/23   SS2022   WS 2021/22   SS2021   WS2020/21   SS2020   WS 2019/20   SS 2019   WS 2018/19   SS 2018  

Reimbursement of Semester Ticket

Applications for reimbursement of the semester ticket must be submitted to the Admissions Office, in full, by the relevant deadline: April 15 or October 15. A card which has already been validated must be re-validated once the application for reimbursement has been approved by the Admissions Office, so that the semester ticket can be removed. Please also note the relevant deadline: April 20 or October 20. The semester ticket can be reimbursed when the Admissions Office has been informed about the new validation.

 Summary of the Process:

  • Submit your application (including the necessary documentation) by April 15/October 15 to the Admissions Office.
  • Wait for the info e-mail and then re-validate your card by April 20/October 20at the latest.
  • Inform the Admissions Office either by e-mail or in person about the re-validation.
  • Wait for the reimbursement to be credited to your account

If you have any questions, the Admissions Office will be happy to help.

Maternity Protection Act

Since January 1, 2018 the Maternity Protection Act also applies to university students as far as place, time and schedule of a training course are compulsory and predefined or completion of an internship is a mandatory part of their studies. This means that, as a matter of principle and without any application being necessary, pregnant students are entitled to maternity protection. During this time a relative prohibition regarding participation in exams applies: In the last six weeks before the projected birth and eight weeks after child birth they retain the right not to sit any exams.  They are also entitled to request exemption from lectures with compulsory attendance, excursions as well as any laboratory work or internships. (During the first 12 months after child birth) Pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers are also not allowed to work between 10 pm and 6 am as well as on Sundays and public holidays. Students, however, can waive these rights during their maternity protection period (also after child birth). In this case, they have to expressly declare this (in writing!) to the Admissions Office/Examination Committee. This declaration, however, can be revoked at any time.
Hochschule Geisenheim must complete a risk assessment for pregnant students - as well as pregnant employees – once the student has informed the university of her pregnancy. Based on an assessment form it will be determined whether the pregnant student is exposed to any influences harmful to health and whether any protective measures (e.g. alternative performance/achievements) will have to be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding period without this being disadvantageous to the student.

In order for Hochschule Geisenheim to be able to comply with the provisions as stipulated by the Maternity Protection Act, all students are recommended to inform the Admissions Office about their pregnancy and the projected date of birth as soon as they know about them. There is no obligation to do so. If students, however, do not inform the university about their pregnancy, they voluntarily refrain from making use of any measures as provided by the Maternity Protection Act.  

Advice and further information on

  • how to combine family and studies/Maternity Protection Act: Family Service Office of HGU, Ms Beata Szabo, tel.: +49 6722 502 691, e-mail: Beata.Szabo(at)
  • risk assessment and safety at work: Dr. Karsten Rose, tel.: +49 6722 502283, e-mail: Karsten.Rose(at)
  • general questions relating to your studies: Admissions Office of HGU, Ms Petra Ernst, tel.: +49 6722 502 700, e-mail: Studierendenbuero(at)
  • all examination queries: Please contact the Examinations Office.


Useful links and contact data of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth:

Gesetz zur Neuregelung des Mutterschutzrechts, BGBl, Nr. 30 vom 29.5.2017

(Amendment of Maternity Protection Act)

Leitfaden zum neuen Mutterschutzgesetz (Broschüre)

(Guidelines for new Maternity Protection Act)

Service telephone: 004-30/201 799 130 Monday-Thursday, 9 am - 6 pm

Leave of Absence

In accordance with §8 of Hessen’s University Enrollment Regulation (Immatrikulationsverordnung), dated 24.02.2010, last amended by the Regulation dated 23.04.2013 (GVBI p. 191 dated 17.05.2013), leave of absence can only be granted for serious and compelling reasons, e.g.:

  • where illness prevents proper academic study,
  • for the completion of a study-related internship which is not part of the degree course,
  • for a study-related stay abroad,
  • for a period of maternity leave in accordance with the German Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz), for a period of parental leave (Elternzeit) in accordance with §15 of the Federal Child-Raising Allowance Act (Bundeserziehungsgeldgesetz), for periods of medically approved care of dependent relatives,
  • membership of a national squad (A, B, C or D/C squad) of one of the central sports associations of the Deutscher Sportbund.
  • participation as an appointed or elected representative in an academic or student self-government body.

    Applications for leave of absence must be made in writing, stating reasons and, with the exception of cases 1 and 4, submitted by the deadlines specified on the application form. The required supporting documents should be attached.  Students who have been granted leave of absence must still pay the semester fee(s) for the respective semester(s) by the due date.

    Further information

    Part-time Study


    ( §9 ImmaVerordnung des Landes Hessen)

    Applicants and students can enroll for part-time study in non restricted-admission Bachelor’s degree courses, provided that this is not excluded by the examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung) and provided they cannot complete the degree course as full-time students due to employment, care of dependent relatives, a disability or chronic illness which affects their studies or other similar compelling reasons.

    • As a rule, proof must be provided that the employment relationship comprises a regular weekly working period of a minimum of 14 and maximum of 28 hours.
    • As a rule, bringing up a child aged 10 years and under or proven care of close relatives with an assigned care level (Pflegestufe) are classed as ‘care of dependent relatives’.
    • A disability or chronic illness must be documented by a medical certificate (ärztliche Bescheinigung).
    • An example for a ‘compelling reason’ would be any membership of University bodies, the student body (Studierendenschaft) or student services (Studentenwerk) which involves a considerable time commitment.
    • Part-time study may be commenced and repeatedly continued in every semester within the standard prescribed period of study, whereby the maximum extension of the study period must not exceed twice the standard prescribed period of study.

    Appropriate documentary evidence must be submitted together with the application.

    Important note for BAföG student loan recipients: As part-time study does not normally qualify for funding, we recommend that, before deciding on part-time study, you contact the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung for advice on the possible consequences and on further funding: Studentenwerk Frankfurt


    De-registration means ending university membership and occurs when students have successfully completed their studies. If you wish to withdraw from the University during your course of study (in order to continue your studies at a different university, for example, or because you do not wish to continue your studies), you can apply to the Admissions Office (Studierendenbüro) for same-day de-registration (i.e. with immediate effect) or with effect from the end of the current semester. Please note the deadlines for reimbursement of the semester fee. These are April 15 for a summer semester and October 15 for a winter semester. Applications received after these deadlines will not be reimbursed.

    In accordance with §59 Hessisches Hochschulgesetz (Hessen Higher Education Act), the University will terminate the student status of students who

    • were registered on the basis of an incorrect admission certificate and this certificate was withdrawn,
    • have failed to correctly re-register for the next semester,
    • have failed to pay their contribution to the relevant health insurance provider (Krankenkasse),
    • have failed to pass a preliminary, intermediate or final examination at the final attempt.

    You can download the de-registration application form here.

    The Student Card must be submitted together with the de-registration application form.

    Please note that the Application for Reimbursement of the Semester Fee is a separate form and must be submitted separately (please note the deadlines). You’ll find it here.

    Information pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for Students

    Information pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for Students can be found  here.


    Semester Dates

    Winter Semester 2023/24
    Start of Semester: October 1, 2023
    Start of Lectures: October 16, 2023
    No lectures: December 22, 2023 - January 2, 2024
    Exam weeks: February 2, 2024 - February 16, 2024
    End of Semester: March 31, 2024

    Summer Semester 2023
    Start of Semester: April, 1, 2023
    Start of Lectures: April 3, 2023
    No Lectures: April 6, 2023 - April 11, 2023
                        May 19, 2023
                        June 9, 2023
    Exam weeks: July 14, 2023 - July 28, 2023
    End of Semester: September 30, 2023

    Revocation of Enrollment

    Enrollment may be revoked for a summer semester by April 15 and by October 15 for a winter semester. For a revocation of enrollment to be effective, the original application for de-registration must be submitted to the Admissions Office by the above dates either by post or in person. The application for reimbursement of the semester fee may be submitted together with the application for de-registration. The Student Card must be included together with the application for reimbursement of the semester fee.

    Once the de-registration application has been received by the Admissions Office, it will be checked and de-registration will follow thereafter. The health insurance provider (Krankenkasse) will be informed about the de-registration. The semester fee will be reimbursed subject to the deduction of an administration fee of 30 euros. Please note that the semester fee will not be reimbursed if the Student Card is not included with the reimbursement application. 

    The period of enrollment at Hochschule Geisenheim University does not equal time spent studying.

    If you have not yet enrolled, but have already transferred the semester fee, please complete the application form for reimbursement of the semester fee and forward it in the original to the Admissions Office.


    Office Hours

    Our office hours are as follows:

    Monday, Wednesday and Thrusday: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

    Tuesday and Thursday: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

    Phone: +49 6722 502 700

    The Admissions Office is located in:
    Müller-Thurgau-Haus, Room: 00.08
    Von-Lade-Straße 1
    65366 Geisenheim

    NEW: Information for Students using the Online Study Service

    Log-in Information:

    You will find the practical guidelines here.



    Petra Ernst
    Petra Ernst
    Building 5905
    Room 00.10
    Phone +49 6722 502 700
    Petra.Ernst(at) Details
    Heike Hofmann
    Heike Hofmann
    Building 5905
    Room 00.08
    Phone +49 6722 502 7123
    Heike.Hofmann(at) Details
    Bettina Kiedrowicz
    Bettina Kiedrowicz, (Dipl.Kffr.)
    Building 5905
    Room 00.10
    Phone +49 6722 502 7040
    Bettina.Kiedrowicz(at) Details