Department of Landscape Planning & Nature Conservation

Department of Landscape Planning and Nature Conservation

The Department of Landscape Planning and Nature Conservation works on the scientific and methodological principles in the field of nature conservation and landscape management.  Our main focus concerns activities related to the relevant planning instruments such as landscape planning, regulations on impact regulationwithin the Germannature protection law and environmental auditing, the safeguarding and development of protected areas and the relevant management techniques in landscape conservation and land use systems.  Relevant projects address the appropriate use of the instruments and management activities in practical applications and the enhancement of planning instruments and methods for administrative purposes.  An important field of activity addresses questions regarding the safeguarding and development of cultural landscapes and their significant components.  Other key activities include the safeguarding of biological diversity and the habitat network, hydrological balance and surface water development, soil protection and measures for integrating climate change adaptation into spatial planning.


Head of Department

Marianne Darbi
Prof. Dr. Marianne Darbi
Building 7100
Room 00.02
Phone +49 6722 502 651
Marianne.Darbi(at) Details

Deputy Head of Department

Eckhard Jedicke
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Jedicke
Building 7100
Room 01.05
Phone +49 6722 502 760
Eckhard.Jedicke(at) Details

Department Assistant

Petra Hunfeld
Petra Hunfeld, M.A.
Building 6701
Room 4
Phone +49 6722 502 841
Petra.Hunfeld(at) Details

[Translate to English:] Grohloch Taunus
Center of Excellence, Cultivated Landscapes (KULT)