Department of Crop Protection

Crop Protection Strategies for Viticulture and Horticulture

The Department of Crop Protection conducts research on plant pathogens and pests of grapevine and horticultural crop plants cultivated both in the field and greenhouse. Our research covers a variety of different disciplines and techniques in plant protection, ranging from the development and optimization of plant protection techniques for eco-friendly viticulture and horticulture, to the analysis of interactions between plants, pests and microorganisms, as well as to the design of innovative management strategies or procedures to reduce pests and diseases in different crops and cultivation systems. We also apply different molecular techniques for diagnosis and characterisation. Another focus of our research addresses effects of climate change on future population dynamics and outbreaks of respective pest organisms. Within the frame of technology and knowledge transfer into practical viticulture or horticulture we are involved in forecasting population levels of important pathogens and pest insects in the field based both on the application of existing population models as well as on data collected via intensive field monitoring. Finally, our department conducts efficiency trials in viticulture according to good experimental practice, which are mandatory during the registration process of new plant protection products.

Head of Department

Annette Reineke
Prof. Dr. Annette Reineke
Building 6120
Room 01.56
Phone über +49 6722 502 411
Annette.Reineke(at) Details


Christine Nickel
Christine Nickel
Building 6120
Room 01.53
Phone +49 6722 502 411
Christine.Nickel(at) Details

Deputy Head of Department

Beate Berkelmann-Löhnertz
Prof. Dr. Beate Berkelmann-Löhnertz
Building 6120
Room 01.57
Phone +49 6722 502 415
Beate.Berkelmann-Loehnertz(at) Details