Staff Development and In-house Training


Why do I have to send my certificate of attendance to HR Development?

Certificates of attendance are added to your personnel file. This file can only be complete when all certificates for workshops, seminars and other training courses are send to HR Development.

The hours spent at the seminar/training will be counted as working hours. In order to have these hours count, please send an email to personal(at) specifying the time you spent at the seminar. Your certificate of attendance serves as a proof.

Hochschule Geisenheim University processes and records your seminar/course attendance for information purposes and in order to assess the need for trainings. These data will not be passed on to third parties. If you do not want to have the course included in your personnel file, or if you have any questions, please contact HR Development (personalentwicklung(at)

Do I have to submit certificates of in-house seminars?

Certificates of attendance that are issued by HR Development do not have to be submitted. HR Development automatically sotres a copy of your certifcate. However, please submit all certificates that are issued by other training providers for both in-house and external training courses.


Who pays for training courses offered by external providers?

In general, you department pays for external seminars. Please indicate the cost center when registering for the course/seminar. There are no fees for seminars organized by the Zentrale Fortbildung Hessen, AGWW, or for in-house training.


Where do I find the right training course for me?

We have put together a list of links to training providers and data bases where you can search for the specific seminars and courses. HR Development is happy to help you find the right training solution.


How do I register for a course?

For information on the registration process, please go to the section "Advanced Training".


What do I have to do if I am sick on the day of the seminar (in-house or external seminar) or cannot attend for some other reason?

Please inform HR Development if you cannot attend a seminar. For in-house trainings there is often a waiting list so that another person can take your spot. Please also inform HR Development if you cannot attend an external seminar.