The team in the Examinations Office is happy to answer your questions related to curricula and examinations, including the following:
Mon. - Thurs. 9 - 12
Tuesday 2 - 4
Von-Lade-Str. 1, 65366 Geisenheim
Registration for and withdrawal from all examinations must be completed online within the specified registration periodvia the QIS examination portal.
This period ENDS 5 days before the examination date. Late registrations or withdrawals are not possible once the registration period has ended.
The registration period for all examinations will be activated in QIS on the same date, several weeks before the first examination.
Please note:
This gives you plenty of time to plan your examination registrations and to complete the registration procedure well in advance.
Sickness note:
When reporting sick, please observe the following instructions and regulations.
You find it here (Anmeldungen, Krankmeldungen und Verhaltensregeln bei Prüfungen)
Please note:
Under the current circumstances changes might happen.
The updated (examination) schedules on thewebsite of the Examinations Office are valid.
Please check upon them regularly and thoroughly and keep yourselves informed and updated.
The examinations take place under special conditions - Information for students regarding the examinations.
updated 2022-10-18
Course assignments from the compulsory modules will be registered automatically.
Course assignments from the elective modules must be registered by you personally within the specified period via the QIS examination portal.
In case of illness during coursework elements such as practicals, exercises etc., you must contact the lecturers directly, as they monitor the number of attendances. An 80% attendance rate is necessary, otherwise the coursework will be deemed to have been failed.
During the course of the year there are standard registration periods for those modules which are assessed on a continual basisthroughout the semester:
Winter semester: November 1 – 30
Summer semester: April 1 – 30
As in the case of the examinations, late registration for or withdrawal from ‘assessed coursework’ is not possible once the registration deadline has expired.
Online application for admission to the Bachelor's Thesis: Application for admission
Please note, you have to register in ILIAS to use the application form.
The application for admission to the thesis module must be completed online. After printing out the completed application form you will need to obtain the signatures of your thesis supervisors.
Please submit the completed and signed application to your degree program administrator Jutta Brandscheid. at the Study Organization & Examinations Office (Studienorganisation und Prüfungswesen - StoP), Müller-Thurgau-Haus, ground floor.
Thesis registration periods:
Summer semester 2024: March 4 – final day of registration
Winter semester: September 15 – final day of registration
Submission of thesis:
3-month completion period 2024: June 4 – (or the next workingday)
4.5-month completion period 2024: July 19 – (or the next workingday)
Requirements for admission to the thesis module:
The Examination Committee (Prüfungsausschuss) reviews the applications and grants admission. Confirmation of admission will be communicated by post immediately after the admissions conference.
You can find all the necessary applications and forms for the thesis module on the right under “Downloads”.
Information on preparing and writing a Bachelor thesis can be found in the guidelines for preparing and writing seminar papers and Bachelor’s theses.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
The Examinations Office verifies whether the conditions for participation in the final oral exam have been met (module “Academic Method and Presentation”). The Bachelor’s thesis must have achieved a minimum grade of “sufficient” (“ausreichend”).
All compulsory modules must have been completed, the minimum number of elective module credits (= 55 ECTS) obtained and thus a total number of at least 174 Credits achieved. Once you have been admitted to the final oral exam we will register you in QIS for the module “Academic Method and Presentation”. You will be informed of your examiners and the exact examination date in good time by email.
The Assessment Regulations stipulate that before a graduation certificate can be issued, a specified number of elective module credits must have been gained in order to achieve the mandatory number of 180 ECTS required for the Bachelor’s degree.
All achievements (Leistungen) in excess of the 180 ECTS are listed separately on the graduation certificate.
Please submit the relevant form to the Examinations Office.