Credit and Grade Conversions for Study Completed Abroad

For the conversion of foreign grades the “Modified Bavarian Formula”, as recommended by the German Rectors’ Conference and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK), is used.

Educational components that are not successfully completed during the study abroad period will not be counted as failed attempts (LuSt-Ausschuss, 18.05.2015).

Important Steps for Credit Approval before Departure

Before your stay abroad, please consult your Head of Degree Program to establish detailed agreements.

In order to receive academic credit you will require suitable documentation of the study completed abroad (course content, level, required work, literature base, grading method and academic transcript); these documents must be submitted when applying for credit approval.

Before their departure, students who go abroad as part of the Erasmus+ program complete a Learning Agreement together with the responsible Heads of Degree Program from both higher education institutions.